Coppergate Estates
If you are looking for information, about how our HOA Board
and Management company might help you, this is the place.
The Coppergate Estates HOA Board has established the following precedures for HOA Residents. Below you will find links to help you in getting questions answered, concerns about possible HOA Covenant violations reviewed, and/or give input to how our vendors are doing in regards to the upkeep of our HOA common grounds and other areas. We welcome your input, to help us in the persuit of improving our community.
Coppergate Estates HOA Board
Covenant Violation Concerns or Questions
If you have any concerns, in regards to covenants for your own home, or any home in our HOA, this is the procedure that was approved and put into place by our HOA Board.
1. Contact HOA Management Services- This can be done through the following:
- 900 N. Tyler, Ste , Wichita KS 67212
- Primary Phone - 316-351-7650 Email to our HOA Manager with HOA Management Services -
- Fax #- 316-425-3117
2. Contact HOA Board President - via email - ONLY after contacting HOA Management first.
- HOA Board President will return contact within 48 hours of receiving email.
3. Contact HOA Board Vice President - via email - ONLY if an "out of office" reply is returned from the HOA Board President
Vendor Services Request or Concerns
The following procedure has been put into place by your HOA Board for concerns in regards to vendors that service our HOA. If you see anything that you feel is not being addressed adequately or have any questions or concerns about any vendor that is being utilized by our HOA, please follow the below procedure to addres those issues.
1. Contact HOA Management Services- This can be done by the following.
- 700 N. Tyler,Ste.7, Wichita KS 67212
- Primary Phone - 316-351-7650 Contact our HOA Manger with HOA Management Services-
- Fax #- 316-425-3117
2. Contact HOA Board President - via email - ONLY after contacting HOA Management first.
- HOA Board President will return contact within 48 hours of receiving email.
3. Contact HOA Board Vice President - via email - ONLY if an "out of office" reply is returned from the HOA Board President